Whitman & Hanson Dollars for Scholars would like to thank the following members of the Class of 2024 for their dedicated service to Dollars for Scholars during their high school years. 

Robert Baker
Tristan Baker
Hannah Battell
Cam Beltramini
Victoria Bessette
Logan Bourgelas
Jacqueline Bourgelas
Jackson Brennan
Samuel Carron
Ainsleigh Cobis
Riley Codero
Alexis Cole
Hailey Corrado
Paige Cosgrove
Braden Cronin
Ryan Crowley
Ayla Dernier
Nicole Donato
Alexander Ethier
Brayden Ferguson
Madeline Geagan
Catherine George
Christeen Gergis
Abigail Godwin
Olivia Godwin
Emerson Grasso
Bridget Iannone
Shane Johnson
Daniel Joyce
Leila Kirby
Anthony Kolacz
Clare LaMattina
Fiona Lee
Amiee LLanos
Nicholas Locke
Mary Lynam
David MacNeil
Makenna Marshall
Lynn McCoy
Emma McKeon
Mark McPherson
Brendan Moore
William Morgan
Abigail Noonan
Rebecca Nourse
Cian O'Broin
Derek Olson
Lindsay Owens
Bella Perry
Caroline Poth
Cody Roberts
Alivia Ryan
Mateo Santalucia
Alyson Tobias
Luke Tropeano
Evelyn Williams
 Emma Wojdag